
Blended Family? How Estate Planning Can Be Tricky

Law Blog

Do you have a blended family? Increasingly common in modern America, a blended family consists of two individuals who each have children prior to the new marriage. They may or may not have additional children within the new marriage.  Blended families face some unique challenges, including how to harmonize the new family as a unit and how to maintain both balance and fairness among all the kids. One unusual piece of the puzzle, too, is the little-understood challenge of estate planning in this situation.

14 July 2020

Car Accident Lawyer: Maximizing Your Claims

Law Blog

If you've recently been involved in a serious car accident, the accident has probably done more than just put a dent in your bumper. From medical expenses to insurance hassles to car repair quotes, maximizing the value of your claim can help you move past everything that can come with an auto accident. Here's some advice experienced car accident lawyers often give their clients. Medical Damages When clients are involved in an auto accident, often their natural inclination is to fix the most immediate and obvious damages they see or feel.

9 June 2020

Don't End Your Personal Injury Case Too Soon

Law Blog

Hurt drivers usually want to get their lives back to normal again – and who could blame them? If you've been injured in a car accident that was caused by a careless driver, you may be suffering from all kinds of issues. When you add up those issues, you may want to be paid and that is where many accident victims make their first mistake in dealing with their claim. Read on to find out more about how ending your case too soon could be a big mistake.

6 May 2020

3 Ways Homeowners Can Protect Others from Injuries

Law Blog

When you own a home, you want to create a safe place for everyone in the home. However, you should also pay plenty of attention to the outside of your home to prevent yourself from being sued if someone gets injured on your property. It can be easier than you may realize to end up being found liable for someone else's injuries, even if you technically didn't do anything wrong. This is why you need to pay close attention to your property to make sure you have secured all possible risks to the best of your ability.

26 March 2020

How Chapter 7 Affects Your Personal Property

Law Blog

The two main branches of bankruptcy for consumers are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. If you are leaning towards using Chapter 7, you should fully understand the effects this branch may have on your property. Evaluating the pros and cons of this branch before using it is always a smart move, and during this evaluation, you will learn how Chapter 7 affects the personal property you own. The Personal Property You Own

25 February 2020

Traveling Abroad: Will You Need An Apostille?

Law Blog

Everybody knows that when you travel abroad you need a passport. What you may not know is that you may need other documents as well, and these documents may require additional documents as proof of authenticity. If you are a little nervous now after finding out that you may need more than a passport, the following information will help.  Birth Certificates (Especially If You Are Traveling with Minors) Traveling to Canada used to be so easy.

22 January 2020

Planning A Divorce? What To Consider Before You Move Forward

Law Blog

A divorce is a major decision to make. You may feel overwhelmed at the beginning, which is normal and expected. However, there are some important things you should think about that can better help you get ready for all that is to come. Before you move forward, you need to be certain you are sure of a few things, including the following: Should You Try Separation First? If you are new to the idea of divorce, you may want to consider a legal separation first.

26 December 2019

3 Things You Should Know if You Have Been Arrested for Disorderly Conduct

Law Blog

The charge of disorderly conduct is general. There is no hard and clear definition of what this means. If you are arrested for this charge, you should hire an attorney immediately. There is certainly no reason to plead guilty because it is often difficult to prove in court. The following are a few things you should understand when you are arrested for this. The consequences can be worse than you think

3 December 2019

Understanding The Differences Between Legal And Physical Custody After A Divorce

Law Blog

If you have children and are getting divorced, you are going to have to decide who will have custody of the children. However, there are also custody terms that will be decided on, which will factor in who gets to make decisions and how often each parent can see them. Here is what you need to know about the differences between legal and physical custody. Legal Custody Having legal custody of a child means that you are able to make legal decisions regarding your child's life.

30 October 2019

The Importance Of Understanding Your Finances Before The Divorce

Law Blog

Going through a divorce is not usually the easiest experience, and it can be even harder if you do not fully know and understand your financial situation before the divorce begins. Because of this, it is vital for you to make sure you fully understand where you stand financially before you begin the divorce process. Here are several things to know about the importance of this and how to find out where you stand.

4 October 2019