5 Things You Can Do To Help Win Your Personal Injury Case

Law Blog

If you've been injured in an accident, a fall or other traumatic event, you're likely hurt, scared and confused. One minute you were fine and the next you were on your way to the emergency room. Although you don't want to sue anyone, it may be necessary in order to get the compensation you need for medical bills and to support your family while you're away from work healing. Here are 5 things you can do to win this case:

1. Hire a lawyer. It may seem easier to just negotiate with the insurance company or other party by yourself, but this is rarely in your best interest. Remember that the insurance company is being paid by the party that caused your injury. You need someone with the legal training and experience who is free from any such conflict and who has your best interests at heart.

2. Heed your doctor's advice. Simply seeing a doctor immediately after the accident isn't enough. You need to show that you're serious about your health and willing to do everything you can to get better as soon as possible. That means following your doctor's orders. For instance, if he or she recommends an MRI or other tests, do it. If he or she tells you to stay off your feet for a period of time, don't be out mowing the grass.

3. Document everything. Starting immediately after the accident, write down everything anyone says to you about the incident. Make sure to note the person's name, their title and the date and time. Those notes can be invaluable if the case comes to trial months or even years later.

4. Don't wait too long to contact an attorney. Most personal injury cases have a time within which they must be file—the "statute of limitations," in legal terms. Wait too long and even the best case can't be won.

5. Be very careful about what you post on social media. What you post on Facebook, Twitter and the like can (and probably will) be seen by the other party's attorney. If you're supposed to be healing from a car accident, don't post pictures of your recent ski trip.

Although there is no such thing as a sure-win case in personal injury law, you can help the odds of getting the settlement you deserve by hiring a lawyer with experience in personal injury cases, such as KIM Personal Injury & Insurance Lawyers. By doing this and following these tips, you can improve your chances of winning your personal injury case.


9 April 2015